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This is a newsletter about becoming the next version of ourselves.

The cusp is a liminal space, a moment of transition holding the hope that something thrilling is about to happen. It’s about becoming—about growth, not grinding.

I believe that becoming the next version of ourselves means:

  • Experimenting with the breadth of our interests,

  • Exploring the depths of anything that captures our imagination, and

  • Learning to embrace uncertainty along the way.

As I experiment with breadth and depth in my own life—and share the results with you here!—my sincerest hope is that you’ll be inspired to do the same.

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Photo of Maddie with her cat. Photo credit: Effie Gurmeza

Hi! I’m Maddie Burton.

I run a web design studio called Byline Creative. (Want to work together? Drop me a line at

In addition to my design work, you’ll find me dabbling in other creative mediums like writing, film photography, and video. In a previous life, I worked as a financial planner until three unexpected life transitions led me to turn my creative outlets into a career.

I live in the Pacific Northwest with my partner and our three adorable foster-fail cats. I recently embarked on a personal challenge to perfect my homemade pizza skills—don’t worry, that’s one mouthwatering journey I’ll definitely bring you along on.

I’ll see you in your inbox soon!

Subscribe to On The Cusp

A newsletter for everyone who’s busy becoming the next version of themselves.


Writer/designer/camera geek obsessed with perfecting my homemade pizza game.