The pleasure was all mine, Aja! I feel like I know you two better after enjoying this conversation as a fly on the wall. Thank you both so much for sharing it here today! ❤️
I had to google what Sliding Doors was. This is kind of a long-winded story but in 2011, I was applying to a job at a tech company in Boston and hadn't heard back from the person I interviewed with. I had emailed my contact several times for an update. Frustrated, I typed one final email asking to withdraw from consideration since I didn't want to be strung along any longer (I was impatient then, what can I say). I was maybe two minutes from hitting send when I saw the "New message from so-and-so" bar pop up in Gmail. My contact wanted to call me to chat about next steps. I called and got the job offer.
Had I sent the email, I never would have met so many people that are my good friends today, including my friend Carly who passed away in 2013. I never would have gone to business school when I did, which means not meeting two of my best friends I talk to every day. I never would have lived in New York, become a public speaker/writer, and wouldn't have found my post-graduation job.
Which is to say, I would not have found my support system I rely on today. I can't imagine that version of me would be as well-off today.
Chris, this is an incredible story. I mean: what a dramatic turning point sending that email would've been! In all seriousness, I would've preferred to watch the Gwyneth Paltrow movie with your experience as the central storyline (Sliding Doors was...not the best, as far as I can recall? You're not missing out).
Cheers to becoming the current—rather than the alternate!—version of yourself, with all the important friendships and opportunities that resulted in. Though like Aja says in the interview, I like to think that Alternate Chris would've turned out OK, too.
I spoke to a friend of a friend over the phone about being a freelance writer (this was way back in the day when long-distance charges were a thing and quite pricey). He was in New York working on his MFA, it was on my dime during the day (peak pricing!). Turned out, some of his post-college roommates were guys I'd gone to high school with (one since elementary). We talked for hours. Then emailed. Then talked more. Then, on his way to see his family for Christmas, he came to stay with me. We were involved off-and-on for about a decade, as much as two broke writers on opposite coasts can be. xo
I'm so glad I asked this question, Sandra, because this story is so juicy! (Not least of which because you write so well.) And it's a reminder of just how delightful uncertainty feels in the context of a new romance...setting aside all the anxiety-producing, maddening parts, of course.
It's the beauty of having zero expectations, being totally honest, and falling for each other without ever having seen each other (we never emailed photos). It was a flirty friendship first (he'd call me before his booty call arrived). Then, it got a little more serious after 9/11 (told you it was back in the day). I'll say this: if he tried to pick me up in a bar, he wouldn't have gotten the time of day. LOL. xo
I'd love to hear from you!
✳️ What’s the most unexpected way you ever started a romantic (or platonic!) relationship?
✳️ Tell us about a significant relationship tradeoff you’ve made.
✳️ Which Sliding Doors version of yourself have you always wondered about?
Thank you for sharing, Maddie! It was lovely to sit down with Aliza and explore these ideas.
The pleasure was all mine, Aja! I feel like I know you two better after enjoying this conversation as a fly on the wall. Thank you both so much for sharing it here today! ❤️
Aja and Aliza are the best—so glad you enjoyed!
Yay for another Boston-based Change of Plans!
I had to google what Sliding Doors was. This is kind of a long-winded story but in 2011, I was applying to a job at a tech company in Boston and hadn't heard back from the person I interviewed with. I had emailed my contact several times for an update. Frustrated, I typed one final email asking to withdraw from consideration since I didn't want to be strung along any longer (I was impatient then, what can I say). I was maybe two minutes from hitting send when I saw the "New message from so-and-so" bar pop up in Gmail. My contact wanted to call me to chat about next steps. I called and got the job offer.
Had I sent the email, I never would have met so many people that are my good friends today, including my friend Carly who passed away in 2013. I never would have gone to business school when I did, which means not meeting two of my best friends I talk to every day. I never would have lived in New York, become a public speaker/writer, and wouldn't have found my post-graduation job.
Which is to say, I would not have found my support system I rely on today. I can't imagine that version of me would be as well-off today.
Chris, this is an incredible story. I mean: what a dramatic turning point sending that email would've been! In all seriousness, I would've preferred to watch the Gwyneth Paltrow movie with your experience as the central storyline (Sliding Doors was...not the best, as far as I can recall? You're not missing out).
Cheers to becoming the current—rather than the alternate!—version of yourself, with all the important friendships and opportunities that resulted in. Though like Aja says in the interview, I like to think that Alternate Chris would've turned out OK, too.
I spoke to a friend of a friend over the phone about being a freelance writer (this was way back in the day when long-distance charges were a thing and quite pricey). He was in New York working on his MFA, it was on my dime during the day (peak pricing!). Turned out, some of his post-college roommates were guys I'd gone to high school with (one since elementary). We talked for hours. Then emailed. Then talked more. Then, on his way to see his family for Christmas, he came to stay with me. We were involved off-and-on for about a decade, as much as two broke writers on opposite coasts can be. xo
I'm so glad I asked this question, Sandra, because this story is so juicy! (Not least of which because you write so well.) And it's a reminder of just how delightful uncertainty feels in the context of a new romance...setting aside all the anxiety-producing, maddening parts, of course.
It's the beauty of having zero expectations, being totally honest, and falling for each other without ever having seen each other (we never emailed photos). It was a flirty friendship first (he'd call me before his booty call arrived). Then, it got a little more serious after 9/11 (told you it was back in the day). I'll say this: if he tried to pick me up in a bar, he wouldn't have gotten the time of day. LOL. xo