I want a whole post called “Catio Build-Out” that turn of phrase made me smile this morning! 🏡 🐈

Love your photo at the top, Maddie.

If you’re looking for vintage inspiration, eBay always has old magazines for sale (I like the old Gourmet magazines, but there are tons of others in other categories)

Thanks for the inspo, Maddie!

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I second Jolene!!! Please give us "Catio Build-Out"!!! 😍

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It is SO happening!! The countdown has begun... ⏳

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Jolene, buying vintage magazines on eBay is a *genius* tip—thank you, I'll absolutely be doing that! (I actually inherited about a hundred copies of Gourmet magazine from my mom, but Gourmet in particular I can't bear to cut up.)

The dedicated catio buildout post is coming as soon as we actually finish the damn thing. I'm thinking of titling it "Where the wild things are" 🤣

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The two things that work best for me when I’m feeling tapped out on inspiration - reading through my magazine stack (I get every food and travel publication) or going out to try something new at a restaurant, which also helps mix up the scenery. Both help put me in a new headspace, and often give me tons of new ideas!

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These are excellent ideas, Amy, and I'm adding them to my inspiration arsenal immediately! There's no pick-me-up quite like (virtually) whisking yourself away someplace new, or immersing yourself in someone else's creativity.

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I love your mood board! I find making them so meditative. As much as I love Pinterest, there is something so soothing about physical craft work. Also, WHEN DID MAGAZINES BECOME SO DAMN EXPENSIVE?! I'm with Jolene, time to go vintage on eBay!!!

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Girl, I know 🥴 I'm glad I wrote about this, if only so Jolene & Co. could steer me in the right direction! (Plus, I bet the vintage magazines are way more inspiring.)

Whenever you post a series of photos from your life, it looks like a living mood board...so I shouldn't be surprised that you make *actual* mood boards, too. I can't even begin to imagine how fabulous they are!

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You’re so sweet! I haven’t made one in a while (I need to!) lately I’ve been into sticker collages. It makes me feel like a kid again! 😍 I’ve been tagging up the inside flaps of my journal with vintage cherubs and Interview With The Vampire stickers. It’s been so fun. Red bubble has the most hilarious/fun/pretty stickers.

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Uhhhh you have just sent me down an epic Red Bubble rabbit hole—RIP my bank account!

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You get 30% your first order 😎 (don’t hate me)

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🫠 *whips out credit card* 🫠

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Aug 20Liked by Maddie Burton

On the subject of pizza — I can confirm that pizza at Tonari is the best I’ve ever had. Next time you’re in DC, it’s a must!!

Also, I thought I’d been subscribed this whole time!!! I’ve rectified my mistake 😊

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Ahh so glad you reported back—I'm adding it to my list immediately! You're so lucky to have it in your backyard.

And whether you're subscribed or not, I'm just happy to have you around! It's been such a treat to "meet" you and enjoy your fabulous writing. (I learned so much about Judy Garland this week! 🤗 )

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Aug 19Liked by Maddie Burton

Loved your physical mood board Maddie - what a nice change of pace from something digital! As a creative, i might just add this to my arsenal the next time i lack inspiration hehe But dayuummm, magazines are real pricey these days. That was the 2nd thing that stuck the most in my head when reading this article 😂 shout out to the person on this Comments section that suggested vintage magazines haha here’s an alternative rustic digital suggestion — i don’t do it myself but i know someone who does - using the pen tools on Microsoft PowerPoint!

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Right?! I was horrified when I got to checkout 😂 Subscribing is so much cheaper, so I’ll be doing that for sure (and scouring eBay). Love the pen tool tip as well!

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Aug 17Liked by Maddie Burton

Wait. Bennifer are divorcing?

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It’s 2004 all over again!

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Aug 18Liked by Maddie Burton

I’m shook.

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Love your mood board Maddie! Thanks so much for sharing. Wishing you a peaceful weekend ahead 🌼

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Right back atcha, Lauren—and thank *you* for singlehandedly inspiring this fabulous new ritual!

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I know what you mean about cutting up Gourmet! Where the wild things are, LOVE IT! 🐈‍⬛ 🐈 🐱

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Relatedly, I'm a big fan of vision boards -- a little more purpose-driven so perhaps less relaxing but damn they WORK!

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Relaxing or not, I bet they get you in the same exact kind of flow state, not to mention help you with directionality! Thanks for the great tip, Rebecca—I'll definitely be trying a vision board next. 🤗

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Aug 16Liked by Maddie Burton

Gorgeous mood board! I have an empty cork board in my guest room, it’s calling my name….(it was full before we moved, which was 2 years ago…)

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Thank you, Kristen! And whenever you sit back down with yours, I'm absolutely sure you'll come up with something fabulous. 🤩

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Aug 16Liked by Maddie Burton

When I’m not inspired for the text I want to write about a specific place on my travel blog, I start looking through the pictures first (which is a similar process to the mood board, when you think of it!).

When I’m not inspired at all for other kind of personal or professional text that requires no pictures, I tend to start writing anyway - sometimes just part of sentences - , hoping I’ll be struck by inspiration while I’m at it. At least, I’ve got a base to work on later, it’s easier than starting from scratch again, even when I keep almost nothing of the original ideas. I think this strategy is a mix of The Publication Coach’s « sh*itty draft » technique and something that Alex Soojung-Kim Pang said in his book « Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less ».

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I adore your approach of looking at travel photos first—I think I've always subconsciously done the same thing before writing about a trip, so I'm glad you voiced it as a real *strategy*! Because what's more inspiring than being in the headspace you were in while snapping a vacation photo?

Also: this is a great reminder to finally read Alex's book!

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I've been feeling similarly - a bit down on the creativity front - and hadn't come up with anything to help - aside from reading good novels in every spare moment! Which I do think helps to a certain extent: gets you out of your head and into another world. I've never made a mood board but am putting it on my list immediately: I love the idea of a mood board to capture my creative aspirations and yearnings. Thank you for the wise inspo, Maddie!

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Reading novels is the perfect inspiration boost—and a solution I need to turn to more often, honestly! And if you end up making your own mood board, I definitely want to see a photo...I know you'll come up with something beautiful. 🤗

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i was thinking of doing it the lazy way - on Pinterest!

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Pinterest counts—so a screenshot, then!

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