Your turn, my friends! What will *you* be experimenting with in 2024?

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I am writing a book. I am speaking it into existence.

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Awesome Chris! What's your map / game plan for that? (Self-publishing tools, etc)

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Great question! One which I don't have the answer to yet. My #1 goal is to write it first. It's coming along though.

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Looking forward to hearing more about it and your progress!

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Will do!

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I believe this is what the children call “manifesting.”

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The experiment I’m most excited about is my new website, https://mymentalhealthguide.com. I’m offering 1:1 mental health support via phone and other resources.

I’m also experimenting with eliminating paywalls but only allowing paid subscribers to comment on my Substack.

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How excellent, Wendi! I’m looking forward to hearing your takeaways from both. 🤗

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Of all the new year's related posts I've read, I haven't seen anyone talk about experimentation. I absolutely love this!

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This means so much to me, Chris! Thank you! 🥹

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Ok I love this post, and experimenting was a huge theme in my second book (or maybe both books, really. It's hard to understand your own work sometimes, haha). But I almost stopped reading when I read you were ACTUALLY coming to Scotland, because OMG WE CAN BE FRIENDS IRL! (Also, Skye is UNREAL... I'm so excited for you!)

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Cait, if I make only one New Year’s resolution, it’s to become IRL friends in 2024! 🥳 So excited for that trip on multiple levels. To be continued!

Also, this is the perfect nudge to *finally* read your second book. I read the first and adored it, then got sidetracked by my overstuffed Goodreads queue. Weirdly, I’m…happy I got sidetracked?! I’m *way* more receptive to its theme than I would’ve been a few years ago. (Related: I love when a book finds you at just the right moment!)

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You are living up to your writing Maddie! The trips sound like a blast...love that you are keeping things open on purpose to let PURPOSE find its own way 😉

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Ooh, absolutely adore the two meanings of “purpose” there—what a great turn of phrase. 🙌 Thanks so much, Jordan!

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I very much appreciate the breakdown of experiments vs resolutions (one at a time, end date, etc.)

This year I'm hoping to approach my intentions quarterly. I'm not sure if intention is the right word, or even goal... but you get the idea. If I'm taking the time to review every three months, I think I'll have a better sense if the particular note is right for me and it feels much more tangible.

Overall this year I am experimenting with permission to cancel!

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Anna-Maria, thank you so much—and I love your approach! Planning and goal-setting always work way better for me (and feel better too!) when the timelines are much shorter than a full year.

Permission to cancel is *such* a good experiment. 🔥

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I'm glad you're taking the year by the reins, Maddie, and in a balanced way. One of my favorite movies is THE FOUR SEASONS (Alan Alda, Carol Burnett, Rita Moreno...when HBO first came about there were like 12 movies in heavy rotation and this was one). It's a delightful middle-age comedy and one of the lines I still quote to this day (though no one younger than me knows the film and those of my age seemed to have missed it) is Carol's line in the "Winter" season: Is this the fun part? Are we having fun yet? xo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECa1j56U1ns

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I’ve never heard of this movie but the trailer is DELIGHTFUL. Cackling at the quote, too! 😅

Scurrying off to ask my Gen X boyfriend if he’s seen it…might be our next movie night pick!

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If he knows it, he's a keeper. xo

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That's a lovely film - sorry, movie!

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The recommendations are rolling in...now I *have* to watch it!

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Tomayto, tomahto, Jeff. xo

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I think experimentation and tinkering are such underrated strategies - and they're also fun! They bring an element of curiosity and wonder into everything you do. I've actually found that this kind of approach has also really helped me with my procrastination. Great piece, Maddie :)

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Ooh, I love that you called out the link between all of this and procrastination...because *of course* it’s easier to get started on something when we lower its stakes and approach it with a playful attitude.

Really appreciate your take on this one, Zan! 🤗

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Watch out for my blog post this Sunday! Covers exactly this - I think you'll enjoy it :)

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Eyes peeled! 👀

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Love the book Wintering! And very grateful to have been a recipient of those delicious Christmas cookies courtesy of you dialing back commitments :)

I am going to experiment with quarterly goals this year! (Goals TBD, but I like to ease into the New Year).

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I just finished Wintering this morning...it was so, so wonderful, and I only wish I'd picked it up sooner. I'm excited for offline conversations where I get to hear more about your quarterly goals, friend! 👀

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Maddie, this is such a great framing of how to face our planning for the year - as experimentation with a bit of fun thrown in. Thank you!

I'm going to experiment with different forms of writing. And I want to add a few more dinner recipes to my repertoire. I'm in the market for tips 🙏

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I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Jeffrey! I know I'll be delighting in your writing experiments this coming year.

As for dinner recipes, I could go on all day, but I'll leave it at this: any recipe written by Melissa Clark, Alison Roman, Ina Garten or Deb Perelman (of Smitten Kitchen blog fame) is *always* well-tested and delicious. Report back on your kitchen adventures! 🤗

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Thanks for the tips! 🧑‍🍳

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I love this, Maddie. I’m still on break till the end of January, but I just today told a friend I’m lowering price of yearly and lifting the paywall (great minds?) Experimentation and Expansion this year - also, Glamour! ✨❤️

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I'm so glad you've given yourself this time off! (I want to take more intentional breaks this year, and have been inspired by you + other writers on this front.)

How cool that you've been mulling over the same pricing/paywall thoughts at the same time. It's more fun to play with changes when our friends are, too. Can't wait to trade notes on our mutual experiment, my (glamorous) friend!

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I totally agree about it being more fun when like-minded friends are trying new things, Maddie, my (also glamourous 😂) friend! Just added to my list for the new year: Zoom with Maddie! 😄✨

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So glamorous, as I sit around in sweats on Saturday night replying to your comment 😂 YES to Zooming—and when I book my next trip to Chicago, we can upgrade to dishing IRL!

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YES!!! IRL! Also: the sweats are effortless, everyday glamour... 🙌😂

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You're being...generous 😂

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Ooo I feel like I needed to hear the part about scaling back on itinerary planning to allow for more spontaneous discovery and exploration- really hit home for me while I’m obsessing over our Italy and Austria itineraries at the moment. Thank you 🙏

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Italy and Austria?! Don’t mind me drooling over here!

Maybe by year’s end, I’ll be able to recap both trips and share what I’ve learned from this experiment!

In the meantime, here’s one thing I’ve done that was helpful (most useful for walkable city trips). Using Google Maps’ “My Maps” feature, I’ll plot out some of the food/sightseeing options I came across, and include notes about hours of operation. That way, I can wander around when I land and be equally open to stumbling on something interesting, or fall back on a place I researched that’s close by on the map.

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Would love to hear how it goes later on once you try it 🙂 And that’s a great suggestion, I was wondering what I could do instead if I do scale back and I love this (and Google maps is the best). Excited to try it out, thank you!!

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I am so excited you have a few trips planned. Especially the commitment to Scotland YAY!!

Expectation, my own, that is what becomes the stumbling block to my creativity. It's not living without expectation however being realistic with it in the areas that require it and allowing for there to be little or none in areas that don't.

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Thank you, my friend! I’ve been so inspired by your own recent travels. 🤗

I’d never thought quite so clearly about the distinction between areas of life where expectation is helpful versus harmful, and it really resonates with me…so glad you shared it here!

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