I’m curious to hear from you. If you have a creative project of your own, what lessons would you add? If you don’t, which lesson might address any fears holding you back?

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I'm so happy to have found you, my Substack sister! (And, yes, Chris is a sis, too, whether he likes it or not). Congratulations on reaching so many wonderful milestones this year, Maddie. You're a wonderful part of this place. xo

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Poor Chris! (Or lucky Chris, depending on your perspective!) 😅

Thank you, Sandra! I genuinely count our early friendship as a big reason I stuck it out here. Forever grateful for you!

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I'll allow it

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I'm so glad you stuck it out, Maddie. You're making a difference! xo

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Right back atcha!

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Me too me too! Can I be a Canadian cousin? To all of you?!

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Consider yourself officially “adopted,” Kim! 🤗🇨🇦

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Totes, KVB! xo

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This essay resonates deeply. Aliza and I are closing in on our own one-year (May!), and I've learned so much about what makes for a "good" life from the creative work itself as well as spending time every two weeks or so thinking critically about my life, mental health, emotional state, recent decisions, future desires, etc. etc.

P.S. So glad to count you as a friend.

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I love that you’ve built in time for regular reflections, Aja! It can be so hard to do when life, work, and your creative project take up so many hours of the day…but it’s crucial for making sure your obligations stay in alignment with your desires and values.

So glad to have met you—and happy upcoming one year! 🎂

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"Creating in public is an emotional rollercoaster; expect soars and dips." This has absolutely been my experience too—which, frankly, helps my anxious brain remember "this won't last forever" anytime I get stuck in emotional or creative quicksand.

For my list, I might also add: "If you've been working on a piece and suddenly you hate literally everything about it (and maybe yourself a little?) ... it probably means you're ALMOST out of the woods and ready to publish." but that might be unique to my own writing process 😂

Congrats on a year of writing here!

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Michelle, I love (and resonate with) your lesson—and totally agree about remembering that anxiety-provoking stretches are impermanent! I wish I’d known that earlier on; it would’ve saved me quite a bit of angst. 🫠

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congratulations on your one-year and your journey! i loved your line about looking at the creative output like an experiment. it reminded me immediately of running, where showing up and practicing mentally to focus on the mile you're in might be equally, if not more, important than the stats. ooh, and having fun!

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It’s wild how many lessons are as applicable to running as they are writing, right?! And “remember that it’s supposed to be fun” should’ve been #1 on this list. Thanks so much for your kind words! 🤗

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i swear that running leaks over into everything. before you know it...you're just talking about it 24/7! :)

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The first draft is always...er.....💩

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…and sometimes the second draft, too. 😜

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Congratulations on a year of creating in public, Maddie! When I first came across your newsletter last autumn (I think), I was sure you'd been doing this for a while. You wrote—write—with a confidence that is always inflected with humility and humour.

Thank you for all the great advice and distilled wisdom. I'm looking forward to reading what you create over the next year (no pressure🙂)!

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Thank you so much, Jeffrey! You consistently leave the kindest notes—ones that always make my day. I appreciate you, and am very glad we found each other here!

I feel the same things about your writing. You read and think deeply, and share your reflections so generously with your readers. Cheers to everything that’s in store for *you* this upcoming year!

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Thank you, Maddie. I'm glad we found each other too :)

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I love the idea of thinking of past "failures" as experiments instead. Such a nice way to reframe things! (Says someone who has failed -- I mean, EXPERIMENTED -- a lot.)

Congratulations on one year of publishing!

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Right?! I wish I’d stumbled on that particular reframe many years ago! Cheers to all our past and future experiments, Chrissy 🤗

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This was such a great overview of your journey and the lessons you've learned. I'm less than a year into my journey of "writing in public", so I've only learnt a few of these myself, but it's amazing to learn about how far you've come as a result of it. Thanks for sharing it :) I'd want to pick a favourite out of the 15 you shared but I just can't - they're all so powerful!

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Thank you, Zan—it’s so meaningful to hear this! You’re such a thoughtful person that I bet you’re accumulating wisdom at an accelerated clip…can’t wait to hear some of your own reflections someday.

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I’m glad you spent time on your beautiful emoji’s and funky logo at the beginning. I noted them right away and wanted to copy them. My first session with @SarahFay I showed her your newsletter and said I want cool graphic things like that. How do I do that? Her reply… “um, emoji’s?” 🤦🏼‍♀️ duh.

All to say you are magically wonderful and I’ve enjoyed reading along this past year sharing all these experiences with you.

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Thank you, Kim! 🥹 One huge treat of this last year has been watching your talents take center stage: as you wrote ever more boldly and vulnerably about your own life experiences, gave sage advice, and developed your kick-ass interviewing skills.

That’s all to say: even if you’d never discovered the almighty emoji, you’d still be magically wonderful, too. ❤️

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